December 26, 2012

Exam Results

Global ExaAaAaAaAaAmmmm!!!!

A01 8 BC01 9,8
A02 8,8 BC02 9,2
A03 9,3 BC03 10
A04 5,9 BC04 9,4
A05 6,4 BC05 8,9
A06 8,6 BC06 8,6
A07 8,2 BC07 7,5
A08 6,3 BC08 6
A09 4,4 BC09 6,8
A10 6,7 BC10 3,1
A11 8,1 BC11 7,6
A12 5,9 BC12 9
A13 8,6 BC13 8,5
A14 7,1 BC14 9,2
A15 5,8 BC15 6,5
A16 9 BC16 4,8
A17 6,3 BC17 6,9
A18 8,7 BC18 9,3
A19 6,8 BC19 8,5
A20 4,2 BC20 5,1
A21 4,9 BC21 6,7
A22 6,1 BC22 5,8
I'm in a hurry so I can't write anything else! Enjoy your holidaayyysss!!!! :D

December 5, 2012

Your results: The Quest for improving your grades

Ok, I have finally finished... At last!

A01 6,9 BC01 9,5
A02 9,2 BC02 9,1
A03 9,5 BC03 9,9
A04 6,9 BC04 7,7
A05 7,1 BC05 7,3
A06 8,5 BC06 7,8
A07 7 BC07 5,2
A08 6,8 BC08 6,2
A09 5,3 BC09 6,9
A10 8,2 BC10 3,6
A11 5,5 BC11 6,3
A12 7,7 BC12 8
A13 8,4 BC13 6,4
A14 8,6 BC14 8,8
A15 5,3 BC15 7,9
A16 9,9 BC16 6,5
A17 6,4 BC17 8
A18 9,3 BC18 8
A19 7,9 BC19 7,6
A20 5,3 BC20 7,5
A21 5,6 BC21 7,1
A22 3,9 BC22 6,3

Those of you who haven't achieved the results you were expecting, follow the example of one of the herous from my childhood whose neverending quest led us all through hours of amusement:

En Galego!!!!!!

November 11, 2012

New Challenge

I'm so sorry for the delay, but last friday my laptop gave up the will to live.... This entry is been written using a 10-year old laptop... Imagine how long does it take to write a single sentence!! XD

Anyway, a brand new challenge for your HERE!

Deadline: November the 20th.

Bea, Alba, Nair, Ada, Maite, Santi and Patricia have been awarded with one extra positive ^_^

Don't let the invisible light blind you!

Scissor Sisters - "Invisible Light" (Shot entirely in Spain)

October 27, 2012

Last Exam's Results

These are the grades you have obtained in this week's exam:

A01 6,7 BC01 9,8
A02 8,5 BC02 9,1
A03 8,3 BC03 8,3
A04 6,5 BC04 8,6
A05 5,4 BC05 8,5
A06 8,7 BC06 8,1
A07 7 BC07 3,9
A08 4,3 BC08 7,7
A09 4,2 BC09 8,1
A10 5,6 BC10 7
A11 6,4 BC11 7,1
A12 7,3 BC12 8,3
A13 9,5 BC13 6
A14 5,1 BC14 9
A15 7,1 BC15 6,5
A16 9,3 BC16 6,1
A17 7,6 BC17 8,2
A18 6,8 BC18 9,4
A19 6,6 BC19 9,4
A20 5,4 BC20 5,7
A21 1,7 BC21 8,4
A22 6,1 BC22 6,9

Alba has granted herself a new possitive thanks to the solution of last week's challenge!!

Here you have a new one:

The Gallons’ Problem

Imagine the following situation: a bomb is set in Taconera’s Park and you are the only on capable of dismantling it. Spanish CSI Special Agent  Euler Piruleta requires your services and you find yourself before this bomb…

Only 4 minutes are left before the bomb explodes and the only way of stopping it is placing a bottle filed with 4 gallons of water in a balance. You have a 3-gallon and a 5-gallon bottle and a fountain with a continuous stream of water…

How can you get those 4 gallons inside one bottle using the 3-gallon and 5-gallon bottles?

Remember: our future depends on you!!! :D

Dedline: November the 4th! Do not forget to post a comment if you discover the solution  ^_^

October 14, 2012

Solutions to some exercises

As I promised, you can download here the solutions of the exercise 34 and exercise 40. I'm sorry for the delay, but my scanner had given up the will to live :P

Ex. 30, 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85 Solutions: Here!

Ex. 78 & 24: Here!

I will not upload a song since Andres has delighted us with his new remix :D Enjoy!

October 12, 2012

DJ Santonio- Welcome to Saint Tropez & Take Over Control- Remix Official 2012

Hi class! DJ Santonio has created a new remix called: "Welcome to Saint Tropez & Take Over Control"
All person I have sent loves it! It´s an incredible video! Don´t forget to watch it! Ruben Medina and Sergio Pérez de Albéniz have colaborated! Thanks!

October 6, 2012

Second Challenge and Exam Results

How are you doing? I've only received 3 answer to last week's challenge. I've noticed that more ore less you know what the solution has to do with, but they're a little bit inaccurate.. Anyway, since you've come quite close, Alba, Patricia and Bea have won a Challenge's Possitive ^_^

The solution is quite simple:

- If $1<a$, then it holds that $\sqrt{a} <a$
- If $0 < a <1$, then it is true that $\sqrt{a} >a$
- As Patricia correctly stressed, we have two special cases: $\sqrt{1}=1$ and $\sqrt{0})=0$.

You can try with your calculator to check the answers ^_^

Power and Radicals Exam Results

A01 6,2 BC01 9,6
A02 8,5 BC02 9,3
A03 9,8
BC03 9,1
A04 4,8 BC04 9,4
A05 7,6 BC05 8,7
A06 6,9 BC06 7,8
A07 5,9 BC07 6,1
A08 5,4 BC08 5,6
A09 4,3 BC09 6,1
A10 6,5 BC10 4,3
A11 7,1 BC11 7,5
A12 5,9 BC12 5,9
A13 8,9 BC13 6,9
A14 7,7 BC14 9,2
A15 4,3 BC15 3,7
A16 9,7 BC16 4,1
A17 6,9 BC17 7,9
A18 8,3 BC18 8,4
A19 6,1 BC19 9,3
A20 5,5 BC20 7,6
A21 3,8 BC21 5,9
A22 5,4 BC22 8,7

Mostly, those of you who worked every day and focused in every lesson have achieved a good great (despite some silly mistakes which you should take care of)

Second Challenge: Romeo and Juliet

These two snails are Romeo and Juliet. Juliet has been waiting in her balcony for her lover‘s arrival, but Romeo has just had dinner and he has truly forgotten the number of Juliet’s house. Every square represents one house (64 in all, including Romeo’s and Juliet’s) and the passionate lover will visit every single house one time and one time only before reaching to Juliet.

 You must try to help him to find his way but be careful… he is only allowed to move upwards, downwards, to the left, to the right and diagonally.

One more thing:  You are only entitled to use up to 20 straight lines… it seems our little fellow is not keen at all about turning on corners…

The procedure is the same as always: send me an e-mail with the solution and post a comment to this entry. This challenge's deadline is  October the 19th. Ony the first 10 valid solutions will get a positive!! Don't miss the chance!

Printable version HERE!

Tip: The best way to try to solve this is copying the image to gimp, paint or a similar software and draw the lines over it.

By the way, in two weeks time, Keane will be playing alive in Pamplona. I had the chance to attend one of their performances eight years ago, and they sound quite impressive alive ;)

Keane - "Silenced by the Night"

September 27, 2012

Let's get started with this new school year!!

Welcome back guys!

The first challenge it is quite simple: Try to explain the following situations:

- What values of $a$ would make the expression $\sqrt{a} < a$ be true?
- What values of $a$ would make the expression $\sqrt{a} > a$ be true?

You must follow the usual instructions: once you know the solution, post a comment and send the answer to my gmail account which you should remember...

And do not worry about the Radicals! In October an old friend of yours will be baaaack!! :D

Exercises 75, 76 and 77: PDF VERSION

June 6, 2012

Nezari's Bone Shaped Mosaic

Hi guys! Although some of the pieces were not cut with the accuracy required  ( :P ) the final result looks excellent ;)

Nicely done!

Click HERE to download the pictures... and don't miss Ruben's seductive look XD

May 27, 2012

Third Global Results

Hi guys!

It seems that since the school year is about to expire you have decided to do your best in this final exAAAm ;)


AB01 6,4
AB02 8,8
AB03 7,1
AB04 7,9
AB05 7,8
AB06 6,9
AB07 8,8
AB08 9,8
AB09 8
AB10 7,1
AB11 5,4
AB12 8,6
AB13 7,3
AB14 9,9
AB15 4,9
AB16 9,1
AB17 9,2
AB18 6,6
AB19 6
AB20 9,7
AB21 6,5
AB22 6,1
AB23 8,7
AB24 9,3
AB25 9,3

Have you ever wondered what song could be the worst song since the dawn of mankind??

May 11, 2012

Pablo Maza´s Tercet tiene un nuevoo blogg que mola muxo este es             
es mejor que Dj Santonio y Miprimo jajaja

May 7, 2012

Statistics Problems + Exam

A few days ago I visited the "Black Lagoon" in Soria, and I couldn't help thinking of you when this sign appeared just before me XD

Could it be have been some kind of premonition about your forthcoming exam??? XD

Click here to get the xls file with the statistics problems' solutions we've been doing in class.

This file will be automatically uploaded every day :)

May 4, 2012

Dj Santonio & Dj Miprimo New Remix 2012

Hi class!!! I´ve already done the new Dj Santonio & Dj Miprimo´s video-song. It´s so cool!!! Don´t forget to watch it!!!
I hope you will enjoy it!!!!
Manager: Tristán Armendáriz Irigaray

May 1, 2012

Einstein's Challenge

Can a child become elder than his own father?

Albert Einstein was the one who proved that time itself does not always pass in the same way (“time is relative, you know”), and he came up with a little problem so ordinary people could understand his postulation:


Some astronauts that were travelling through the space in a futuristic vessel, managed to reach a speed close to The Speed of The Light.  These astronauts would not become older as fast as their fellows on Earth.

If A stands for their age when they started their journey, t stands for the time and Av for the astronauts’ age at any time; we have the following expression (which is nothing but an affine function)

 Av = 0,3t + A

Imagine that one of them left in the year 2000 being 20 years old…

a) Get his real age measured using Earth’s Timeline in both the years 2010 and 2020.

b) When will he become a 25-years-old person?

c) If his son was born the on the same day as he enrolled in this mission, how old will this child be when his father gets to his 30s?

Deadline: 10th of May

Since many of you happen to be guitar enthusiasts, you should all listen to this classic song by KANSAS.   I'm sure you'll love it :D

Kansas - "Dust in the Wind"

March 30, 2012

Sequences Exam Results

Hey guys! I'm posting here the results... You may won't beleive this, but you have taken 7 exams so far and this one is not the best in what concerns to the results, but the second :DD


AB01 6,1
AB02 4,9
AB03 9,1
AB04 8,8
AB05 8,8
AB06 8,1
AB07 9,6
AB08 10,1
AB09 9,7
AB10 6,2
AB11 6
AB12 8,6
AB13 7,4
AB14 9,8
AB15 3,2
AB16 7,5
AB17 9,2
AB18 6,7
AB19 8,1
AB20 9,3
AB21 3,3
AB22 5,7
AB23 6,4
AB24 10,3
AB25 8,6

A friend of mine has sent me this hilarious picture... do you identify yourselves with any of the situations described?? :P hahaha

I would really like to own a dog like this lovely Akita Inu who understands some of your commands :P

March 24, 2012

Our favourite Childhood Songs + Homework + Challenge

Download a brand new tricky challenge ^_^

Homework: exercices 9, 12, 14, 17, 20, 21, 23 (due next Monday)

I guess you all may have seen the latest VisionLab comercial on TV. I couldn't help recalling some of the old songs I used to love as a child (ages 4 to 8). I would like to share some of them with you so you will all realize how tendencies have changed :P

Vision Lab Comercial:

"Super Disco Chino" and "La Gallina Cocouaua" by Enrique y Ana: 

This is the song the comercial above has been inspired by. This strange duet managed to hit several nº1 hits in the 8 years they were together.
"El Intermedio" used this 80's hit to create one of his hilarious video :D  Click here!

They separated in 1984 and while Ana decided to focus on her studies, Enrique kept on singing and colaborating in some TV shows. Two years ago I did realize who Enrique really was nowadays... and it hit me out! I am talking about Enrique del Pozo (La Noria, Aquí hay Tomate, DEC...)

"Co co ua ua" includes an amazing EXTRA XD

Have you ever heard of Bom Bom Chip? They became quite famous after their Leticia-Sabater-hosted debut in the early 90's with some famous hits as "Toma Mucha Fruta" and "Multiplícate por cero" XD

If you find this interesting (and FUN), let me know and I'll share more "oldies" with you XD

Now it's your time: do you remember any of the "children songs" you used to like 8 or 9 years ago?

March 19, 2012

Maths "ebrigüer"

Reading about Pluton's disgrace when he was relegated to a non-planet state, I recalled about this wonderful video I discovered by chance a few years ago ;)

Hope you'll like it!!

March 12, 2012

Task Assignments + Sequences Solutions

Hey guys!! This first day in Isaba has been a trhilling experience :D I will keep uploading this entry with your doubts and the solutions to the Sequences and Progressions Bulleting I gave you last week ;)

REMEMBER: I would really appreciate if you report me any "bug" (mistake) you find in the solutions so I can correct them all ;) Also, feel yourselves free to ask me any doubt you may find ^_^

Today you have been given the laptops so you can start looking for some information to begin with your papers... ;)

Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio (download)
Mónica, Patricia, Paula, Tristán, Zuriñe

Tartaglia's T. and The Geometric Numbers (download)
Rubén, Andrés, Santi M, Miguel, Nicolás

Numeric Systems (download)
Pablo, Santi A, Helena, Iranzu, Maite

Fractal Geometry (download)
Idoia, Amaia, Ander, Tottita

Classic Problems (download)
Tomás, Edu, Meri, Silvia, Iñigo B.

Extra: El Diablo de Los Números (download)

Sequences and Progressions - Solutions (download)
This file will be uploaded throughout this week ;)

This is the song I played last Thursday, hope you'd liked it ;D

Mando Diao - "Dance with Somebody"

March 6, 2012


  Sorry for the late, I had a problem with the internet
  First of all we have correct the exercises we have har for: HOOOOMWOOORK!!!
  Then, we add in theory section the Addition of  "n" consecutive terms of a G.P.
  If we multiplicate by "r" the term a7  of a G.P. we obtain a8:
  1. S:  a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an-1 + an
  2. S:        a2 + a3 + a4 +...+ an-1 +an + r+an
2.-1.=  -a1 + r * an

   Then Mario give us the global EXAAAAAAMS!!! and finally the activity of the worbook
  Dentro de poco podreis ver el nuevo video se frank de la junglaaaaa!!!


February 18, 2012

Equations & Systems solutions + The Pilgrim's Challenge

Hi guys! I've just finished writing the solutions of the bulletin I uploaded a week ago with the equations and systems exercices to practice... I beg you to try to solve them before checking the solutions, so your neuron works a little bit... but, don't work too hard since it might get stressed!! (yes, I'm trying to sound sarcastic XD)

Click HERE to get the solutions.

Here's a new challenge I discovered a few days ago. I solved it at my journey from Pamplona to Pontevedra, involving no more than 5 minutes, so I guess you'll have no trouble at all trying to face it :D

The Pilgrim’s Problem

An Italian pilgrim was planning his journey from Rome to Santiago de Compostela. Before arriving to Spain, he wanted to visit 64 different cities using only 15 straight pilgrimages. The map he was currently in possession of, showed the different paths communicating all the cities he wanted to visit.  


Would you be able to draw a path using 15 straight lines without removing the pencil from the sheet so the pilgrim manages to complete successfully his trip?

Watch it: You MUST start your trip from the black spot, but you can finish it wherever you want. Note there’s one missing connection between two towns at the bottom of the drawing. 


If you prefer to download a printable pdv version, click HERE.

Let's cherish this holiday week with some music!! LET'S DANCEEEE!!!

(Mando Diao - Dance with somebody) 

February 15, 2012

Tuesday 14 of Frebuary 2012

Tuesday 14 of Frebuary 2012

Hi class!:) Yesterday was Tuesday 14th of february 2012 ,it was cloudy and a little bit rainy and snowing...but wasn´t a sad day becouse it was valentines day!For people in love happy valentines day;)

Today we started the lesson with a fotocopy to review the Arithmetic Sequences, then we have done the exercises of the fotocopy and for the book: 8, 9, 45, 46, 47 and 48. They were very similars and repetitives.Also we have laern what is an Arithmetic Progresion.

What is a Arithmetic Progresion?
-In the fotocopy:
Arithmetic Progresion is a sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive terms of the squence is a constant(i.e., always the same number).That constant is called difference (d). Had one term of an Arithmetic Progresion been given, you would have just to add that difference to move to the next term.
An Arithmetic Progresion is a squence such that:-In the wikipedia:
An arithmetic progression (AP) or arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference between the consecutive terms is constant. For instance, the sequence 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, … is an arithmetic progression with common difference 2.

If the initial term of an arithmetic progression is a1 and the common difference of successive members is d, then the nth term of the sequence is given by:

There are some videos taht explain it:

Listen to this
song I love it!

I hope you enjoy bye:)

Meritxell Ansotegui 3ºB.

February 12, 2012

Unit 4 and Unit 5 Extra Exercises - Solutions

As I promised, I've uploaded the solutions to the first part of the exercises sheet you were able to download from the previous entry ;)

Click ¡¡HERE!! if you want to check the answers from "a" to "n". If you notice something strange or you don't understand any of the steps I've followed to get the solutions, feel yourself free to ask me using the blog (so your doubt's solutions can be shared) ;)

Have you ever heard anything from Arcade Fire? If this song doesn't move/trhill you, you should visit a doctor... XD

(Arcade Fire - "No Cars Go")

February 9, 2012

Biquadratic Equations + Reviewing Units 4 and 5

Hi guys!

I'm posting here two different links:

1) If you want to get the pdf version of this week's challenge, click HERE!. This time I will take your answers only in the classic handwritten versions :P I guess the best way of confronting this challenge would be by printint the instructions and solving the equations on the back of the paper ;)

Deadline: February the 16th.

2) For getting a copy of the equations and systems extra exercices, click HERE! I promise I will be uploading the solutions (not only the final number, but the whole procedure) from now on. Don't hesitate to ask me anything you don't understand, ok?? You may use either the blog or the e-mail to send me your questions ;)

Have you ever heard this song? I discovered this UK band 8 years ago, when their first studio album had just been released. They sound just GREAT and their live performances are incredible ;)  (Note they only play with drums, piano and voice :D )

(Keane - "Everybody's Changing)

7/2/12 Lesson

The last day we started a new unit: Successions and Progressions. Mario says that this we should study every day if we want to learn it. We wrote an index for the unit and then we started with point 1, Successions and General Terms. We had to write a lot of theory stuff. We learned when successions were and and how to find the number that occupies x position in it. The formula with we use for this is called general term. The different types of successions depend on the general term:
  • When it the general term doesn't depend on other terms. An example of this are the natural numbers.
  • Recurrent successions: the general term depends on other terms. We will learn more about these later on.
  • Successions without general term, like pi's decimals.
Then we did excersises 1 and 4. I hope that this unit won't be very difficult.

February 2, 2012

Upcoming challenge!!

A women is 21 years elder than her son, but his age will be his mother’s fifth part in 6 years.

Anyway, I wonder where the father is…


Deadline: February the 6th.

You must proceed as usual: post a comment on this entry's wall and then send it to my e-mail account ;) And remember... Try to make your best and be one of the firsts!

You my find it inspiring to squeeze your only-thinking-neuron with Sigur Ros as background music ;)

PS: congratulations to Santi, Maite and Helena; you all succeeded on the previous challenge :D

January 31, 2012

Tuesday 31 of January 2012

Hi class! Today is Tuesday 31 of January 2012, it's cloudy and a little bit rainy... It's a sad day.

Today we started the lesson correcting the homework, the exercises 64 and 73. Then we have done the exercises 74, 77, 80 and 66(c and d). They were very difficult and long.

We have not behave very good, because we were very talkatives, but it have not been the worst day...

The exam of the units we have studied is on Wednesday 8 of February 2012 and Mario wants to do it impossible for us, so STUDY!

Homework: Exercise 66: a, b and e.

This is not maths, but if you love internet, and you want to preserve it like you know it, you can spend a few minutes of your time reading this...

Do you know what is SOPA? Well, here we have a law which is WORST.  Here is a video of the explanation of the ACTA Law , a new law that the governments want to aprove, and if they do it, the internet as we know it, will desappear...

But we can keep hopeful, because many people is manifesting against this laws, and groups of hackers like anonymus are fighting against this...

Santi Arana 3ºA

January 27, 2012

New Challenge of The Week

This may seem an impossible challenge, but I encourage you to try until you succeed  :D

Draw 9 points distributed through 3 rows and 3 columns:

Will you manage to join those 9 dots using just 4 straight lines without removing the pen from the paper?

Once you've come up with the solution, post a comment to this entry and e-mail an image file to my e-mail address showing your achievement ;)

Let's play a tune from the classic Phantom of the Opera Musical. If you ever have the chance to travel either to New York City or London, you should'nt miss the chance of this thrilling experience :D