I really hope this experiment we are starting fits well on your (sometimes) fuzzy minds :P
Today we've learnt about the irrational numbers (those numbers that can't be represented as a fraction). Do you remember the example we've worked with?
I'm not going to repeat here the demonstration I told you this morning, I only intended to show you that working with maths doesn't only concern to operations with numbers: there's a huge math-world to explore out there! And by math-world I mean there are many things which can't be explained using anything but mathematics:

(BTW, did you know that Futurama's screenwriters are indeed mathematicians, physicists and engineers? I promise I'll tell you about the hilarious maths-jokes you can find in this series)
So, don't forget about the DIN-A shaped sheets and the DIN-spiral!
I would like to finish this post with this incredible animated video showing, among others, the Fibonacci spiral (the one I told you that is quite a lot "smoother" than the DIN-A).
Hello everybody, this blog is cool!
ReplyDeleteThe maths in the nature`s video is very interesting and curious.
And it was shot/made by a graphic designer who lives in Zaragoza :P
ReplyDeleteHello, class!
ReplyDeleteWe're here. Nice job:D
Well the exam I think that it has been easy.
ReplyDeleteMario when you are going to put the marks??
Yes, the exam wasn't that difficult... Do we all have to comment for you to put up the marks?
ReplyDeleteHi there! Mr. DJ, I agree with you but it seemed to me that you weren't having a good time XD
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm reviewing them right now and I intend to publish your marks as soon as I check that everyone has made his/her first post down here ;)
OK Monica, not all of you, but at least 3/4 XD
ReplyDeleteHello class, I don`t know where put my post
ReplyDeletebut this blog is a very good idea,
Hi Edu! To create a new topic (that would be your class summary, or anything you'd like to share with us) there's a "Nueva Entrada" button on the right upper corner of the blog ;)
ReplyDeleteHi class!!!!!!!!!!!! Edu create the topic now. MArio plese, upload the marks today. This blog is a fantastic idea.
ReplyDeleteDj Santonio. What a picture!!!
ReplyDeleteMario, the video of futurama is very good.
ReplyDeleteI´m boring.
ReplyDeleteSpoiler: your marks are quite brilliant!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm afraid I'll have to wait a little more...
Monica and Adrian are the only one who have followed the link to become a blog's member!
ReplyDeleteSo, Tristán & Company, proceed to check your gmail inbox and follow the link shown in your confirmation e-mail! ;)
Okay MArio. One question, what are the numbers of the top of the page? (185)
ReplyDeleteThat number is our blog's visitors counter ;)
ReplyDeleteNow i´m a blogger.
ReplyDeleteThere are much visitorsss
ReplyDeleteI've just placed the counter on the right collum because we are supposed to write a brief description of our blong on the top of the page...
ReplyDeleteWe'll think about it ;P
Mario what is my mark in the today´s exam? Please upload the marks.
ReplyDeleteI can´t do it,
ReplyDeleteMario write the maths. I´m boring in house. Mario, your imagine friend.
ReplyDeleteedu make it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEdu! I have checked the list and you're already a member! :)
ReplyDeleteRemember "NUEVA ENTRADA" if you want to create a new topic.
Mario, when you have puted the marks in the blog, how we found it?
ReplyDeleteI can(:
ReplyDeletehi. the video of nature is veri interesting
ReplyDeleteTristán, I'm not an imaginary friend... BTW, did you know there exist some numbers called Imaginary Numbers? XD
ReplyDeleteI'l create a new entry with your marks ;)
how many people are not in the blog? because i would like to see the mark of the exam.
ReplyDeletethe idea of doing a blog is magnific.
mario i have send you my gmail please tell me what i have to do
ReplyDeletei would like to pablo. Please mario upload it.
ReplyDeleteMario, when are you going to put the marks?
ReplyDeleteHopefully today! ;)
ReplyDeletehow many people aren't linked?
ReplyDeleteOn the right collum there is a section called "Contributors"... and there are only 8 of us!! ¬¬
ReplyDeleteit's a little number, you won't can put the marks of the exam today
ReplyDeleteplease do it
ReplyDeleteOk lads, I promise you that as soon as we get to 15 contributors, I publish your marks ;)
ReplyDeleteWe are 9 at the moment... so, we need 6 more :p
mario be generous
ReplyDeleteTOMIINDEPENDENTZIA, first of all, I don't know who you are! XD
ReplyDeleteHave you sent me your gmail adress? Otherwise I won't be able to update your status as a colaborator ;)
Pleeaaseeeeee, put the marks....
ReplyDeletemario TOMIINDEPENDENTZIA is tomas i think.
ReplyDeletemario we are 12. put the marks please
ReplyDeleteHave you write the marks?
ReplyDeletemario yurrita has written to your gmail please answer him
ReplyDeletemarioooooo you have to upload the marks of the 13 contributoooooooors!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletetu soii tommass uqe ai que acer??''komo te lo mandoo
ReplyDeleteTutú, you have to send me your e-mail account so I can update your status as contributor ;)
ReplyDeletewho is tutú?
ReplyDeletetutú = Mr. Tomi