May 12, 2014

Statistics Exercises

Don't forget to check the instructions for the statistics project you have to do in groups. And, if you need some excel guide, this file will be enough for what you have to do ;D

If you are in 3ºAB, you may like this link... If you are not, we'll take our own this monday ^_^

Now some videos you may not know...

The first one is dedicated to Celes and every videogame enthusiast (like me :D ). It is called Realistic Mario:

This is one of the best voices of Eurovision Song Contest. It has been our best position since 1979 (2nd place). She was only 18 years old and she manages you produce some amazing screams ;)

Anabel Conde - "Vuelve Conmigo" (1995)

Also, this is a song I have been listening to lately... I hope you'll like it!!

Tom Odell -  "Another Love" (2013)