February 18, 2012

Equations & Systems solutions + The Pilgrim's Challenge

Hi guys! I've just finished writing the solutions of the bulletin I uploaded a week ago with the equations and systems exercices to practice... I beg you to try to solve them before checking the solutions, so your neuron works a little bit... but, don't work too hard since it might get stressed!! (yes, I'm trying to sound sarcastic XD)

Click HERE to get the solutions.

Here's a new challenge I discovered a few days ago. I solved it at my journey from Pamplona to Pontevedra, involving no more than 5 minutes, so I guess you'll have no trouble at all trying to face it :D

The Pilgrim’s Problem

An Italian pilgrim was planning his journey from Rome to Santiago de Compostela. Before arriving to Spain, he wanted to visit 64 different cities using only 15 straight pilgrimages. The map he was currently in possession of, showed the different paths communicating all the cities he wanted to visit.  


Would you be able to draw a path using 15 straight lines without removing the pencil from the sheet so the pilgrim manages to complete successfully his trip?

Watch it: You MUST start your trip from the black spot, but you can finish it wherever you want. Note there’s one missing connection between two towns at the bottom of the drawing. 


If you prefer to download a printable pdv version, click HERE.

Let's cherish this holiday week with some music!! LET'S DANCEEEE!!!

(Mando Diao - Dance with somebody) 

February 15, 2012

Tuesday 14 of Frebuary 2012

Tuesday 14 of Frebuary 2012

Hi class!:) Yesterday was Tuesday 14th of february 2012 ,it was cloudy and a little bit rainy and snowing...but wasn´t a sad day becouse it was valentines day!For people in love happy valentines day;)

Today we started the lesson with a fotocopy to review the Arithmetic Sequences, then we have done the exercises of the fotocopy and for the book: 8, 9, 45, 46, 47 and 48. They were very similars and repetitives.Also we have laern what is an Arithmetic Progresion.

What is a Arithmetic Progresion?
-In the fotocopy:
Arithmetic Progresion is a sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive terms of the squence is a constant(i.e., always the same number).That constant is called difference (d). Had one term of an Arithmetic Progresion been given, you would have just to add that difference to move to the next term.
An Arithmetic Progresion is a squence such that:-In the wikipedia:
An arithmetic progression (AP) or arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference between the consecutive terms is constant. For instance, the sequence 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, … is an arithmetic progression with common difference 2.

If the initial term of an arithmetic progression is a1 and the common difference of successive members is d, then the nth term of the sequence is given by:

There are some videos taht explain it:


Listen to this
song I love it!


I hope you enjoy bye:)

Meritxell Ansotegui 3ºB.

February 12, 2012

Unit 4 and Unit 5 Extra Exercises - Solutions

As I promised, I've uploaded the solutions to the first part of the exercises sheet you were able to download from the previous entry ;)

Click ¡¡HERE!! if you want to check the answers from "a" to "n". If you notice something strange or you don't understand any of the steps I've followed to get the solutions, feel yourself free to ask me using the blog (so your doubt's solutions can be shared) ;)

Have you ever heard anything from Arcade Fire? If this song doesn't move/trhill you, you should visit a doctor... XD

(Arcade Fire - "No Cars Go")

February 9, 2012

Biquadratic Equations + Reviewing Units 4 and 5

Hi guys!

I'm posting here two different links:

1) If you want to get the pdf version of this week's challenge, click HERE!. This time I will take your answers only in the classic handwritten versions :P I guess the best way of confronting this challenge would be by printint the instructions and solving the equations on the back of the paper ;)

Deadline: February the 16th.

2) For getting a copy of the equations and systems extra exercices, click HERE! I promise I will be uploading the solutions (not only the final number, but the whole procedure) from now on. Don't hesitate to ask me anything you don't understand, ok?? You may use either the blog or the e-mail to send me your questions ;)

Have you ever heard this song? I discovered this UK band 8 years ago, when their first studio album had just been released. They sound just GREAT and their live performances are incredible ;)  (Note they only play with drums, piano and voice :D )

(Keane - "Everybody's Changing)

7/2/12 Lesson

The last day we started a new unit: Successions and Progressions. Mario says that this we should study every day if we want to learn it. We wrote an index for the unit and then we started with point 1, Successions and General Terms. We had to write a lot of theory stuff. We learned when successions were and and how to find the number that occupies x position in it. The formula with we use for this is called general term. The different types of successions depend on the general term:
  • When it the general term doesn't depend on other terms. An example of this are the natural numbers.
  • Recurrent successions: the general term depends on other terms. We will learn more about these later on.
  • Successions without general term, like pi's decimals.
Then we did excersises 1 and 4. I hope that this unit won't be very difficult.

February 2, 2012

Upcoming challenge!!

A women is 21 years elder than her son, but his age will be his mother’s fifth part in 6 years.

Anyway, I wonder where the father is…


Deadline: February the 6th.

You must proceed as usual: post a comment on this entry's wall and then send it to my e-mail account ;) And remember... Try to make your best and be one of the firsts!

You my find it inspiring to squeeze your only-thinking-neuron with Sigur Ros as background music ;)

PS: congratulations to Santi, Maite and Helena; you all succeeded on the previous challenge :D